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Become a Member
Do you believe you descend from a Revolutionary War Patriot? Those who fought or supported the War effort? Read on:
You've found our chapter website. Now learn more about the NSDAR through these links to the state and national websites:
National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution
Pennsylvania State Society, Daughters of the American Revolution
A Patriot is defined as one who aided in achieving America's independence. These are men and women who served in the military, provided monetary aid (including paying "supply" taxes), or swore an oath of fidelity. There is an extensive list of types of service on the NSDAR website here.
Contact our Registrar to discuss the application process, by clicking this e-mail link: Registrar
Once you have made contact with our Registrar, or if you know a current member, you may wish to attend a luncheon meeting as a guest, to meet the women of the Kushkushkee Trail Chapter, NSDAR. Coordinate with the Registrar or member to attend. They will be able to give you further information on location and cost.
Check the We Meet page for upcoming meeting dates and topics. We meet on the second Saturday of each month, September through June (no meetings in January, July, or August).
Join: About Me
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